Spiritual Growth (5/12/13 PM)

Spiritual Growth (Nehemiah 8)

The book of Nehemiah is a great study of what is required for growth in both the life of the Christian and for the church . Learning and implementing lessons from this book will help us all to grow.

Spiritual Growth (Nehemiah 8)

The book of Nehemiah is a great study of what is required for growth in both the life of the Christian and for the church . Learning and implementing lessons from this book will help us all to grow…consider the people’s desire for spiritual growth in Nehemiah 8:

  1. Respect for God’s Word
    • The people showed interest (8:1, 2), attention (8:3), and reverence (8:5, 6; 9:13) to the Word of God.
    • Will we also give such respect to the word of God (Ps. 119:103-105; Matt. 5:6; 2 Tim. 3:14-17; Heb. 2:1-4; 1 Tim. 1:11; 1 Cor. 2:7, 10, 12)?
  2. Understanding God’s Word
    • Further the people desired to understand the Word of God, this was not just “lip service” (8:7-9, 12, 13).
    • Our desire must go beyond simply respecting God’s Word, we must have a desire to know it (Rom. 10:14-17; Acts 8:30-31; John 8:31-32; Eph. 3:1-7; 1 John 1:1-4; 1 Tim. 4:12-16; 2 Tim. 2:15; Matt. 13:11ff).
  3. Doing God’s Word
    • When the people understood what God would have them to do, we see also a willingness and an eagerness to act on it (8:10, 12, 14-18; 9:38).
    • When one has a proper respect of God’s Word and comes to understand it; it should naturally follow that he will desire to act on it (Matt. 7:24; Acts 8:36; Phil. 4:9; James 2:22; Rev. 1:3, 22:14).