Paul’s Example (1/20/13 AM)

Paul’s Example (Acts 20)

In speaking with the elders from Ephesus we learn from the example of Paul of things that should be imitated in our lives.

Paul’s Example (Acts 20)

  1. Priority of Preaching (v18, 20-21, 25, 27, 33, 34)
    • Preaching was essential, people needed to hear the whole council of God’s word.
    • He is truly a man on a mission (Matt. 28:19-20, 2 Cor. 5:20).
  2. Steadfastness of a Soldier (v19, 22-24, 21:13)
    • Paul was pressing on, even if it meant death.
    • He was dedicated to the labor given to him (2 Cor. 12:14-15; 2 Tim. 2:3; Eph. 6:12-13).
  3. Confidence In The Message (v32)
    • Paul had confidence in the message he proclaimed to others—it was indeed the word of God and was what they needed to hear (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 1 Thess. 2:13).
    • He also knew it was what they needed to be grounded in (Eph. 4:14; 2 Tim. 4:1-4).
  4. Impact That Can Be Had (v29-31)
    • One could do great good or harm; Paul had done a great good but such could not be said for all.
    • We have to remember the impact we can have on others (Matt. 5:16; 2 Cor. 3:2; 1 Tim. 4:12-16).
  5. Endurance Beyond The Individual (v25, 28)
    • The work was not to cease because Paul would not be there (Phil. 1:27; 2 Tim. 2:2). Their faith should not be in him, but God (1 Cor. 2:2, 5).
    • Are we like Paul looking toward the future of the church and building it up, not just a name for ourselves?