Questions Asked About Jesus (9/23/12 PM)

Questions Asked About Jesus (John 7-8)
Sunday AM: Parts 1, 3, & 4; Sunday PM: Part 2

The questions of these two chapters show us a people and their responses to the Savior…some sought Him, some wondered about Him, and yet some mocked Him. What can we learn from their questions?

Questions Asked About Jesus (John 7-8) – Sunday AM: Parts 1, 3, & 4; Sunday PM: Part 2

These chapters contain almost 20 questions concerning Christ that give us insight into the thoughts of the people and teach valuable lessons:


  1. Where Is He?
    • Sadly many only sought Him as entertainment or out of curiosity, or mockingly. (Jn 7:3-4, 11; 6:26-27; Lk 23:8)
    • Even His own brothers mocked Him; but He did not His works privately (Acts 2:22, 26:26)…problem is that many who witnessed His works did not believe in them.
    • Will we seek Him honestly? (John 1:45-46, 49; 4:29-30)
    • People struggle have this question today…some seriously, others mockingly (2 Pet. 3:4; John 20:29).
  2. Who Is He?  (8:25) They wondered as to His identity…some sought curiously, some tempting, and some seriously.
    • Is He a good man? (7:12) Some were wrestling with this question and some dismissed Him without questioning (7:12). But notice they had the honesty to recognize Jesus was either good or a deceiver, He could not be both (3:2, 9:33, 10:19-21)
    • Is He the Christ?
      • Is not this he whom they seek to kill? (7:25) (yes, even if the people would not recognize it (7:20) – they were not honest about themselves and their intentions (5:16, 18)
      • Do the rulers know this is the Christ? (7:26)
      • Can we know from whence cometh the Christ? (7:27), Shall Christ come out of Galilee (7:41) – showed their ignorance of Scripture and Jesus.
      • Say we not well, thou hast a devil? (8:48)
      • Dost our law judge any man before it hears him? (7:51) – the leaders wanted to condemn Him without honest investi-gation…will we do the same?
    • Why have ye not brought him? (7:45) – see also v46; they recognized there was something special about this man.
    • Would the Christ do more miracles? (7:31) – what would it take for them to believe? What about us? More miracles would not convince them (16:31).
    • Have any of the rulers believed on Him? (7:48) – some had (Jn 12:42); but why should the opinions of men matter?
    • Art thou greater than our father Abraham? Who makest thou thyself? (8:53) He was not making Himself out to be anything…He showed them exactly who He was…would they act on what they witnessed as had Abraham? Will we act on what we know?
    • Who Art thou? (8:25) He was the one on whom they must believe (v24), the one with the words of eternal life (6:68-69)
  3. What Does He Have To Say?
    • How knoweth this man letters? (7:15) They were impressed with His speaking but did not listen to its content. Should care less about one’s “education” and focus more on his words and deeds (cf. Acts 4:13; 1 Jn 4:1-2; 1 Cor. 2:1-5; Matt. 7:20).
    • What sayest thou? (8:5) – rather than tempting Him, they should have sought him out as the one that had the answers of eternal life (6:68-69).
    • How sayest thou, ye shall be made free? (8:33) He could make them spiritually and eternally free (8:31-32).
  4. Where will He go? (7:35) He was going where they could not now go…but could one day if they would follow Him (14:1-3)

What will we do with the answers to these questions?