He Steadfastly Set His Face To Go To Jerusalem (7/8/12 AM)

He Steadfastly Set His Face To Go To Jerusalem (Luke 9:51)

Jesus begins here a journey He will not complete until Luke 19; He knows the end of this journey will lead to His death and yet He is determined to complete it and fulfill His purpose.

He Steadfastly Set His Face To Go To Jerusalem (Luke 9:51)

Jesus begins here a journey He will not complete until Luke 19; He knows the end of this journey will lead to His death and yet He is determined to complete it and fulfill His purpose.

  1. We See His Determination—He is steadfastly set (v51)
    • Jesus is committed to His mission in heading toward Jerusalem, this is not just a passing intention; He will keep going until He reaches His destination (9:53, 13:22, 17:11, 18:31, 19:11).
    • There was no question about where He was going in spite of rejection (9:22, 22:48, 23:21) and the cross (18:31-33).
  2. We See His Purpose—He is come to save (v56)
    • We see too why He was set on heading to Jerusalem—to fulfill His mission as the compassionate savior (9:56, 19:10, 24:44-49).
    • He was set on giving His life (John 4:34, 10:17-18).
  3. We See His Charge—Will we do the same? (V57-62)
    • Will we take up our cross and follow Him (9:23)?
    • Recorded in this section are those who made excuses for not following Jesus; who, unlike the example of Jesus, would not do what they should because of misplaced priorities.
    • We might do well to remember the words of the song: Must Jesus bear the cross alone, And all the world go free? No, there’s a cross for every one, And there’s a cross for me.”