Let Us… Part 1 (4/22/12 PM)

Let Us… (Part 1; Hebrews)

The writer primarily addresses a Jewish audience and encourages them against apostasy. They are in danger of falling away, specifically falling back into Judaism. He shows the supremacy of Christ and the Christian system and urges the readers then to continue on with renewed effort. Consider the book through his 13 “let us” exhortations.

Let Us… (Part 1; Hebrews)

The writer primarily addresses a Jewish audience and encourages them against apostasy. They are in danger of falling away, specifically falling back into Judaism. He shows the supremacy of Christ and the Christian system and urges the readers then to continue on with renewed effort. Consider the book through his 13 “let us” exhortations:

  1. …therefore fear… (4:1) – having highlighted the salvation that is available in Christ, he urges us to continue in a fear of God. This is contrasted to the unbelief of the Jews and is the start of a right understanding (10:31; Prov. 1:7; Matt. 10:28).
  2. … labor therefore to enter into that rest… (4:11) – rather than stopping short, they needed to continue on until they reached their eternal goal (10:4; Rev. 2:10; 14:13).
  3. …hold fast our profession. (4:14) – it was only by remain-ing faithful in Christ they would reach that rest; they needed to be reassured of who they served (John 14:6; Acts 4:12, 1:9; Heb. 1:3).
  4. …therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace… (4:16) – in whatever they were enduring, the only place they needed to turn or could turn was Christ, our merciful high priest (2:14-18, 10:19; 1 Pet. 5:6-11).
  5. …go on unto perfection… (6:1) – they had failed to mature (5:11-12); they must leave behind the first principles and be grounded in Christ, the only place of hope (6:6; Eph. 4:4). If they will, they are assured victory (6:10-12) based on God’s faithfulness and salvation provided in Christ (6:13ff, 7:22).