The Gospel of Mark: Portrait of a Servant (4/15/12 AM)

The Gospel of Mark: Portrait of a Servant

Mark presents Jesus as an active, authoritative servant of God.

The Gospel of Mark: Portrait of a Servant

  1. Objective/Perspective: Each of the gospel accounts has a unique appeal; Mark shows Jesus as a perfect Servant of God, possibly appealing to the Roman mindset.
  2. Showed Jesus’ Service: Shows Jesus constantly busy.
    • Less about His teaching, more about works/miracles.
    • Roman’s wanted to know more about what He did/accomplished than who He was/said. Mark shows an active (6:31), compassionate (6:34), selfless servant of God (10:45; cf. Acts 10:38).
    • Consider: 19 miracles in 16 chapters; words like straightway or immediately occur some 40 times throughout the book.
  3. Showed Jesus’ Authority: One who could command.
    • He was not just a servant but a powerful man of action.
    • He is shown to have authority over demons, sickness, death, and nature causing people ask what manner of man He was (4:41). He caused people to be astonished (7x’s) and amazed (6x’s). He silenced His critics (12:34)
    • Indeed, Mark shows Jesus is the Son of God (1:1); the One who rightfully calls upon us to follow Him (1:14-15; 8:34; 16:15-16).