Peter’s Denial of Jesus (4/1/12 AM)

Peter’s Denial of Jesus (Matthew 26)

Matthew records events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion in which He was betrayed by a close friend, deserted by His disciples, convicted by false witnesses, and betrayed by one who loved Him. Let’s consider Peter’s actions in this chapter.

Peter’s Denial of Jesus (Matthew 26)

Matthew records events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion in which He was betrayed by a close friend, deserted by His disciples, convicted by false witnesses, and betrayed by one who loved Him. Let’s consider Peter’s actions in this chapter:

  1. The Vow (v31-35) – As Peter was known to do, he spoke up quickly that he would never deny Jesus; a noble affirmation that we all should share. (Dan. 1:8; Matt. 10:32-33)
  2. The Zeal (v51-54) – Even when faced with armed soldiers, Peter was willing to stand up and fight for Jesus (Jn 18:10). Jesus corrected the actions of Peter, but we might ask if we would face death? (John 18:36; Rev. 2:10)
  3. The Denial (v56, 69-75) – Peter’s true test came not in the limelight of going to battle for Jesus but in the dark moments when he was alone, no longer surrounded by those who loved Jesus, but by those who wanted to kill Him. It was here his faith was needed, but it was weak. (Heb 10:23) Fortunately, this is not all that is recorded. Following this event, we also see:
    • His repentance: He recognized his fault and wept over it; are we willing to do the same with sin in our life? (Luke 22:32; 2 Cor. 7:9-11) 
    • His conviction: He stood boldly for the cause of Christ (Acts 2-5) and urged others to do so likewise (1 Pet. 1:13-16; 2:9; 3:12-16; 4:15-16; 5:6-9; 2 Pe-ter 1:10-11; 2:9; 3:17-18).

Learn from Peter to be watchful and to get up when we fall.