It’s Not Always Easy (3/11/12 AM)

It’s Not Always Easy (Matthew 19-20)

While God has not made it difficult to find Him (Acts 17:27), nevertheless at times it can be difficult to follow Him if our hearts are not set on Him, His will, and His reward.

It’s Not Always Easy (Matthew 19-20)

While God has not made it difficult to find Him (Acts 17:27), nevertheless at times it can be difficult to follow Him if our hearts are not set on Him, His will, and His reward.

  1. Concerning Marriage/Pleasure (Matt. 19:3-12)
    • After teaching the truth concerning marriage, even Jesus’ disciples recognized this was a hard teaching (v10); but Jesus did not soften His answer, rather He stood by it.
    • He recognized that for some to follow this teaching they would live as eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. This may seem difficult, but one must ask what he is willing to give up to be faithful to God (Heb. 11:25).
  2. Concerning Money/Priorities (Matt. 19:16-30)
    • Next a young man questions Jesus; he was good, but there was something amiss in his life — his love of money. He chose rather to keep his money than follow Jesus.
    • Jesus relates that it is difficult for those who are rich to enter the kingdom of heaven (v23-24), in fact it would be impossible as long as they refused to change thier priorities. What is most important to us? (Matt. 6:24).
  3. Concerning Labor/Reward (Matt. 20:1-16)
    • This parable possibly focuses on their desire for a reward (19:27), and reminds them that God will do what is right, even if it does not seem fair in our eyes (v12-15).
    • It also reminds us that we are called to work, a work that at times may be difficult (v12), but God will reward what is right. Will we continue to labor in the kingdom?

Will we follow, even when it does not seem easy? (Lk.9:23)