Will These Condemn You? (2/12/12 AM)

Will These Condemn You?

Jesus rebuke those of His day who did not utilize the great opportunities that were before them to know and follow God; will we be condemned in the same way?

Will These Condemn You?

  1. The Residents of Tyre, Sidon, and Sodom (Matt. 11:20-24)
    • These were wicked cities which had been destroyed, yet Jesus says they would have been more receptive to the works shown.
    • How many continue to reject the gospel and every opportunity of salvation? Will those of less opportunity speak against us?
  2. The Residents of Nineveh (Matt. 12:41)
    • They repented at the preaching of Jonah (Jonah 3:5-10) and yet a greater preacher was here and these people refused to repent.
    • Contrast Jesus and Jonah: Jonah was one preacher with one message yet Jesus had taught them often as well as had the prophets and apostles; Jesus presented greater evidence (miracles He worked); Jesus proclaimed a greater message (one of mercy/love/compassion); and Jesus offered an invitation to change (repent/come unto me).
    • Many people of Jesus’ day refused to change; what have we done with the information that has come unto us?
  3. The Queen of the South (Mat. 12:42)
    • The queen of Sheba put forth much effort to investigate the wisdom of Solomon (1 Kings 10:1-10; 2 Chron. 9:1-9), yet many rejected the one that was greater than Solomon who had come to them!
    • Again contrast their actions (and ours) with hers: She personally investigated, she sacrificed (time, money, great distance), she came uninvited (yet Jesus came to us and invited us to Him), she had an open mind (Matt. 13:15), she tested him (desire to know the truth – Acts 17:11), and she gave precious gifts (showed humility and acceptance (but many reject Jesus).
    • Will we put forth the same or greater effort to learn of One greater than Solomon, if not she will rightfully condemn us too.