Emmanuel, God With Us (1/15/12 AM)

Emmanuel, God With Us (Matt. 1-4)

Matthew presents in these opening chapters the Christ, the One who had been anticipated that was now come and presents reasons why He should be listened to and followed.

Emmanuel, God With Us (Matt. 1-4)

Matthew presents in these opening chapters the Christ, the One who had been anticipated that was now come and presents reasons why He should be listened to and followed.

  1. Fulfiller of Prophecy — From His lineage, His birth, His life, and His death Jesus was exactly who the prophets foretold of and who men should have been looking for.
    • Matthew shows Jesus legal right as the son of David (Matt. 1:1-17) and mentions often prophecies fulfilled (1:22-23; 2:1, 5-6; 15, 17-18; 23; 3:3; 4:13-16).
    • The apostles would point back on these events as proof that Jesus is the Christ (Luke 24:25-27, 44; Acts 17:2, 3)
  2. Doer of God’s Will — All the accounts of Jesus remind us of a central desire in His life – to please His Father.
    • Both His baptism (3:13-17) and His temptations (4:1-11) show a desire to please His Father and do His will.
    • Others highlight this desire as well (John 4:34; 8:29)
  3. Fisher of Men — Likewise Jesus shows His purpose in life of drawing men to Himself, the One we need to hear and follow, the One who would save us from our sins.
    • His was come to save men from their sins (1:21), now He begins preaching, teaching, and working miracles (4:17, 23-24) in the presence of the people (4:25) and His disciples who will carry on this work (4:18-22).
    • All this showed His interest in people (Matt. 9:36) and the desire to fulfill His Work (Luke 19:10; John 12:32).

Thus Matthew sets the stage to present Jesus’ teaching/work…