Materialism (11/27/11 PM)

Materialism: Its Dangers and Remedy (1 Tim. 6:6-19)

This years “Black Friday” has once again shown that our society is afflicted with materialism. While the sales themselves are not necessarily the problem, the way some people act certainly is. So how do we combat this problem in our lives and in our homes?

Materialism: Its Dangers and Remedy (1 Tim. 6:619)
This years “Black Friday” has once again shown that our society is afflicted with materialism. While the sales themselves are not necessarily the problem, the way some people act certainly is. So how do we combat this problem in our lives and in our homes?

  1. Danger of Materialism—first identify the problem
    • Snares (v9) – a sudden trap that one fall into that brings peril and destruction. Not necessarily planned; one can quickly find himself overtaken (1 Pet. 5:8; Gal. 6:1).
    • Tainted Love (v10) – avarice; exceeding greed for wealth. A love that has seduced many, even from the faith, but only brought grief and sorrow (Matt. 6:24; 13:22; Col. 3:5).
    • Conceit (v17) – value yourself based on riches and look down on others with less wealth (Lk. 12:15; James 2:1ff).
    • Misplaced Hope (v17) – trust in riches rather than in God (Deut. 8:11-14, 17; Prov. 23:4-7; Matt. 6:19).
  2. Remedy For Materialism—then set about to correct it.
    • Fulfillment (V6-8) – be content with what we have. Recognize material goods don’t last and are not a measure of faithfulness (Lk. 12:15; Matt. 6:20, 31-33).
    • Flee (v11-12) – run from the love of money and instead fix your sights on those things that are good and lasting (2 Cor. 13:5; 2 Thess. 5:21-22).
    • Fix Our Hope On God (v17) – remember He is the source of our blessings (Jms 5:17; Deut 8:10,18; Acts 17:25-28).
    • Be Fruitful (v18-9) – do good; be generous and ready to share (Acts 20:35; Lk. 10:27, 36-37; Gal. 6:10).