Tofu Christians: Imitation or the Real Thing (11/13/11 PM)

Tofu Christians: Imitation Or The Real Thing

One can debate the value of tofu as a food product but it is interesting to note that many people live their lives with some of its same characteristics. Some of these qualities are beneficial in tofu but have no part in the Christian life:

Tofu Christians: Imitation Or The Real Thing
One can debate the value of tofu as a food product but it is interesting to note that many people live their lives with some of its same characteristics. Some of these qualities are beneficial in tofu but have no part in the Christian life:

  1. Bland – Tofu is bland in color, texture, and taste; in fact many people find it totally unappealing and unfit as a food product. Many Christian’s live a similar life; Jesus counseled the church at Ephesus to return to their first love (Rev. 2:4-5) and warned the Laodiceans that they were simply unpalatable (Rev. 3:15-18). Regardless of their own spiritual evaluation, they were un-appealing in their religious zeal and at risk of being spit out.
  2. Easily Flavored/Influenced By Others – Another characteristic of tofu is that it easily takes on the flavors of other foods that are added to it so that it can fit in many different dishes. So too many Christians are like this; they can easily fit into any environment and are easily influenced by those who surround them. Certainly one must learn to watch the company he keeps and the things he submerges himself into (1 Cor. 15:33; Phil. 4:8) but he also needs to learn to stand out from others (Matt. 5:14-16; Phil. 2:12, 15-16; 2 Cor. 6:17) and stand up for the truth (Gal. 1:6-7, 10; Acts 5:29; Eph. 4:14-16; 1 Tim. 3:15; Rom. 1:16-17; Phil. 1:17; Jude 3).
  3. Imitation – The two previous qualities of tofu mean that it can easily be used as a substitution or imitation for some other food (i.e. – it will act like it). But again, how many act like being a Christian rather than truly becoming one? We go through the motions but our heart is not in it; instead what we need is a total transformation (Matt. 6:1ff, 24; Mark 12:30; Luke 9:23; John 4:24; Matt. 12:30; 6:24; Rom. 12:2).