Nehemiah’s Success (11/6/11 PM)

Nehemiah’s Success

When Nehemiah and the Jews finished the wall of Jerusalem, even their enemies could recognize ―that this work was wrought of our God‖ (Neh. 6:16). Consider a few of the keys to His success as a leader and encourager of God’s people:

Nehemiah’s Success
When Nehemiah and the Jews finished the wall of Jerusalem, even their enemies could recognize ―that this work was wrought of our God‖ (Neh. 6:16). Consider a few of the keys to His success as a leader and encourager of God’s people:

  1. Burden Of His Heart
    • Nehemiah was personally interested in this work and its success – not just someone else’s problem.
    • He cared for God’s people and their reputation (1:4, 2:1-3) and this interest moved him to leave his luxury and do this hard work.
  2. Wisdom Of His Mind
    • As a wise leader he made proper plans (2:5, 7-10), investigated the work (2:12-16), sought cooperation (2:17, 18), included God (2:18).
    • Nehemiah serves as a great example of one that counted the cost (Lk. 14:28-30) and determined not to turn back from his work.
  3. Determination Of His Will
    • Nehemiah shows his determination to finish this good work even in the face of opposition (2:19-20), mock-ing (4:1-3), physical threats (4:8), internal weakness and burnout (4:10; 6:17-19). These thing just seemed to make him work harder (4:21, 23).
    • Helping him in this was the fact that he was a man of prayer (1:4; 2:4; 4:4, 9; 6:14; etc.) and one that trusted in God (2:18, 20; 4:14, 20).