The Name Christian (10/16/11 AM)

The Name Christian

A name we should proudly wear as it indicates we belong to Christ and is a name of great honor (Isa. 56:5; 62:2; James 2:7); wearing it shows:

The Name Christian
A name we should proudly wear as it indicates we belong to Christ and is a name of great honor (Isa. 56:5; 62:2; James 2:7); wearing it shows:

  1. We are distinct/different (Acts 11:19-30)
    • They were saved – having heard the gospel (v20), believed it (v21), turned to the Lord (v21), saved by grace (v23), and been added to the Lord/church (v24).
    • They were separate – they were part of the church (v26), the called out; now their allegiance (Acts 5:29; Gal. 1:10), affections (1 John 2:15-17), actions (1 Cor. 6:11; Rom. 6:4, 13), and associates (1 Cor. 15:33, 2 Cor. 6:16-18) were different.
    • They were sympathetic – they showed love toward their brethren (v27-30; 1 Pet. 1:22).
  2. We are decided(Acts 26:19-29)
    • About what we believe – Paul believed and obeyed God (v19) and is now calls on Agrippa to act on what he believes (v27 – specifi-cally what they said about Christ).(2 Tim 1:12; 1 Pet 3:15)
    • About what we become – Agrippa knew he was not a Christian (v28) because he had not done what was necessary to become one (Acts 22:16, 2:38, etc.; Matt. 7:21-23; Lk 6:46).
    • About how we will behave – Paul wished all would follow his example and become a Christian (v29; 1 Cor. 11:1; cf. Rom. 6; Col. 3; Eph. 5; etc.)
  3. We are dedicated(1 Pet 4:14-16)–they were urged to be faithful:
    • In spite of the times they lived in (v1-4; Phil 2:15-16; 2 Tim. 3:1ff)
    • In spite of talk they hear (v4) – (Matt. 5:10-12; 2 Pet. 3:3-4; 2 Tim. 1:12; 2:9-13)
    • In spite of trials they face (v12) – (2 Tim. 3:12; Rev. 2:10)