The Tongue, Small But Powerful (8/4/11 PM)

The Tongue, Small But Powerful (James 3:1-12)

James is a practical book on living the Christian life and in chapter 3 he addresses the powerful instrument most all are blessed with and he instructs us to use it wisely:

The Tongue, Small But Powerful (James 3:1-12)
James is a practical book on living the Christian life and in chapter 3 he addresses the powerful instrument most all are blessed with and he instructs us to use it wisely:

  1. Its Capability – the Power of the Tongue (v1-6)
    • The tongue is one of the smallest members of the body and yet it is one of the most powerful (Prov. 18:8, 21; 16:27; Ps. 52:2).
    • It is like a horse’s bit, a boat’s rudder, or a small fire – all tiny things but each exert great influence. In fact the tongue can influence every aspect of our lives and even our eternity (Prov. 21:23).
  2. Its Control – Can’t Be Left Unguarded (v7-8)
    • While powerful, James does not tell us to leave it uncontrolled; in fact, just the opposite, he is encouraging us to control and mind our tongue because it is so powerful (Prov. 13:3; Ps. 141:3).
    • But while it can be controlled, it cannot be tamed; you can’t grow slack in your watchfulness of your tongue (Matt. 12:34-37).
  3. Its Conduct – Use If For Good, Not Bad
    • We have to decide how we will use our tongue, it can be to destroy or to build up, for righteousness or ungodliness (Prov. 15:1, 4, 23; Ps. 39:1; 1 Jn 4:20).
    • But it will not be effective in doing both – so determine to show righteous wisdom and use it for good (James 3:13-18; Ps. 19:14; 1 Pet. 3:10; Eph. 4:29.