I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life (8/7/11 AM)

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I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life (John 14:6)
Jesus is preparing His disciples for events about to transpire concerning His death and ascension to heaven and so speaks this statement of:

  1. Exclusion– He is the ONE and ONLY ONE
    • Only He could make this claim and offer eternal life, it limited access to the Father only through Him (John 10:9; Matt. 7:13-14, 24-25); no other way would work.
    • The apostles would also show this exclusion (Acts 4:12; 1 Cor. 1:10; Eph. 4:4-6).
  2. Conclusion– His statement forever settled the matter
    • No need to ever look for anything else (John 1:1,14; Matt. 17:5; Heb. 1:1-2).
    • His Word is just as conclusive in His commands (ex. Mark 16:16) and His promises (ex. John 14:1-4).
    • These Words would always stand (John 12:48).
  3. Direction– He is the one to follow
    • They were not left to wander but given explicit directions.
    • He was the way to follow as a shepherd and example (John 10:3-4; Heb. 4:15; 1 Pet. 2:21).
    • He was the truth to follow as He spoke God’s Word (John 1:14, 12:49, 17:17, 14:26, 8:31-32).
    • He was the source of eternal life, the end result (John 11:25-26, 14:6, 12; 3:16).
  4. Decision– Up to each one to decide what to do
    • The truth is before you, what will you do?
    • Accept and follow Him or reject Him?