Turn The Hearts Of The Fathers (6/19/11 AM)

“…Turn The Hearts Of The Fathers…” (Luke 1:17)

John would come on the scene of history with a great task, to prepare a people for the coming of Jesus. Like Elijah of old, he was to turn a people back to God, a charge we as God’s people and particularly fathers should take seriously even today.

“…Turn The Hearts Of The Fathers…” (Luke 1:17)
John would come on the scene of history with a great task, to prepare a people for the coming of Jesus. Like Elijah of old, he was to turn a people back to God, a charge we as God’s people and particularly fathers should take seriously even today.

  1. You Have Troubled Your House
    • Those who forsake God are responsible for the trouble brought on their house (1 Kings 18:17-18); thus Elijah and John would both preach a message of repentance trying to bring people back to God (Matt. 3:1-2).
    • We trouble our houses if God is not in His rightful place (Luke 12:15; 1 John 2:15; Col. 3:2; 1 Cor. 4:2; Eph. 6:4).
  2. You Need To Be Reminded Of God
    • Elijah would remind them of the God they should be serving (1 Kings 18:21, 30-39) and likewise John preached a message of repentance and pointed people to Christ (Mark 1:3-5; John 1:29, 3:30).
    • We must dedicate ourselves to God if we will be able to influence others (1 Tim. 4:16; 1 Cor. 11:1; Phil. 2:14-16).
  3. You Need To Lead By Example
    • Remembering God, they were ready to serve Him (1 Kings 18:39-40) and likewise this was the point of John’s preaching; turn back to the ways of God and teach His ways (Deut. 6:4-9), then there would be a people walking in wisdom and obedience that were ready to follow Jesus.
    • We must also lead by active example and teaching (cf. Eph. 6:4; Acts 10:24, 16:32-33; John 4:29-30, 41-42).