Effectively Spreading The Gospel (5/22/11 – PM)

Effectively Spreading The Gospel (Acts 19)

Learn from Paul’s own example how we might be more effective in spreading the gospel today.

Effectively Spreading The Gospel (Acts 19)

  1. Do It Right (v1-7) – be concerned about one’s complete obedience, first our own and then others (Matt. 7:21; 28:19-20). We need more like Aquilla, Priscilla, and Apollos – those willing to instruct properly and those wiling to be corrected (cf. Acts 18:24-28).
  2. Find Your Platform (v8-10) – seek right and effective ways to spread the gospel to others based on opportunities and abilities (Acts 8:4).
  3. Know What You Are Doing (v11-16) – we are not just imitating others or going through motions (cf. Matt. 15:8-9 ; Acts 5:1-2ff) rather we know what we are doing and why (1 Pet. 3:15) so that we can also convince others (1 Tim. 4:16).
  4. Do Not Skip Repentance (v17-20) – they made a public acknowledgement of the change in their lives (Cf. 1 Thess. 1:9); this is pivotal step in conversion yet too often overlooked—remorse over sin and desire to follow God.
  5. Make Plans For The Gospel (v21-22) – have a vision for what we are going to do but recognize those plans are subject to change (James 4:15; Acts 16:7).
  6. Expect Disturbances (v23-27) – should not surprise us when others try to stop a good work (Neh. 6:1-3; Acts 13:45; 2 Tim. 3:12); what is important is how we respond (Phil. 1:20; Rev. 2:10).
  7. Avoid The Uncontrollable (v28-41) – use wisdom and the good advice of others to see some situations are best left alone with time spent elsewhere (Matt. 7:6; Acts 13:46).