When My Love For Christ Grows Weak (5/15/11 AM)

When My Love For Christ Grows Weak

When I pause and look at the sacrifice of Christ,
my love for Him and those around me should increase.

When My Love For Christ Grows Weak
“this do in remembrance of me” (1 Cor. 11:24) — when we pause and reflect on the sacrifice of Christ we should:

  1. Go to the garden and increase your love for Christ
    • Matthew 26:36-47
    • Christ is seen in agony over all that He knew was about to come to pass.
    • He is seen all alone knowing His disciples are about to desert Him (26:31, 56).
    • Yet His attitude was still to do the will of the Father.
    • The reminder is He knew what was about to happen and willingly went forward with it(John 10:11, 18).
  2. Go to the cross and increase your love for Christ and others
    • Matthew 27:27-50
    • He went to the cross for us, not because He deserved it (1 Pet. 2:22-24).
    • When we see Him writhing on the cross remember He died for me and all mankind (Rom. 5:8; John 3:16).
    • That image needs to remind me of the love of God for me and the value of each individual soul.
  3. Turn again to the world with a changed perspective
    • Changed perspective toward Christ – see and follow His great example (1 Pet. 2:21; John 14:15; 1 John 5:3).
    • Changed perspective toward others – motivated to teach the gospel to others (2 Cor. 5:14-15; Mark 16:15-16)