Jesus’ Extraordinary Appeal (4/10/11 AM)

Jesus’ Extraordinary Appeal

Jesus was not successful according to many of the standards of the world.
But that did not stop Him from accomplishing great things;
don’t let it hold us back from doing the work of the church either.

Jesus’ Extraordinary Appeal

What drew people to Jesus? It was not what many value today:

  1. Looks: Many look on outward appearance as an indicator of how successful one will be. Jesus did not appeal based on physical appearance (Isa. 53:2); such is vanity to a spiritually minded person (1 Tim. 2:8-10; 1 Pet. 3:1-4; 1 Sam. 16:7).
  2. Wealth: Many think you cannot be successful without wealth and use wealth as a measure of success. But Jesus was poor from birth to death (Matt .13:54-55; Lk 2:21-24; Lev. 2:2-8; Matt. 8:20; 27:35, 49-50); wealth is not required for spiritual success (1 Tim. 6:10, 17—19).
  3. Education: Society says we must be well-educated to have success and be respected; yet Jesus and His disciples were not (John 17:14-15; Acts 4:13). In fact, the most educated of them did not overly value it (1 Cor. 2:1-5; Phil. 3:8).
  4. Social Standing: Popularity is a measure of success for some, yet by it Jesus failed. He associated with the low-class (Mark 12:37; Matt. 9:10-11); the ―elites‖ despised Him (John 12:42-43; Matt. 26:3-4); many turned from Him (John 6:66); and multitudes called for His death (Mark 15:12-14). What matters is God’s commendation (2 Cor. 10:18).

What we do see in Jesus is a proclaimer of truth (John 6:63; 8:30-32); a servant of God (John 4:34; 5:36); and a savior of souls (Matt. 20:28; Luke 19:10; John 14:6). Let us be drawn to that man and draw others to Him with that same appeal today.