Rejecting The Truth (3/6/11 AM)

Rejecting The Truth (Acts)
Different reasons why people rejected the gospel are found in Acts; many are still used today, even in our own lives if we are not careful.
1. Financial Gain
   a. Consider Acts 16:16-22 and 19:23-27
   b. Sadly many prefer material things over truth (1 Tim. 6:10).
   c. Consider Simon as a counter-example (Acts 8:9-13)
2. Pride and Jealousy
   a. Prov. 16:18; Acts 5:16-18; 13:44-45; 17:5; 13:8.
   b. Consider Paul as a counter-example: he was willing to admit fault (1 Tim. 1:15); willing to be corrected (Acts 26:19); and willing to give up status (Phil. 3:4-7)
3. Preconceived Ideas and Misguided Zeal
   a. They were sure they were right and blinded themselves to hearing the truth (Acts 4:2, 14-18; Acts 7:51, 54; Acts 17:32; Acts 22:21-22; Rom. 10:2-3.
   b. Even Paul did this ignorantly (Acts 22:3-4, 9-11; 1 Tim. 1:13).
   c. Our attitude must be that of the Bereans (Acts 17:11).
4. Stubbornness and Unbelief
   a. Many just don’t want to change and close off their minds to reason (Acts 14:2; 19:9; 24:25-26; 26:28).
   b. Isaiah, Jesus, and Paul all said the same thing of them – they did it to themselves (Acts 28:26-27).
   c. Fortunately many did and obey (Acts 2:41, etc.); will you?